Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Insanity's Crescendo.


Had a question in my mind, but couldn't get enough pictures for it. But I think these two Qs will tickle your grey cell pretty nicely.


I would like to begin with the most cliched statement every quizzer hears. Yes, the answer is there in the picture. And it is not the part I erased. As a matter of fact, don't even know why I took that off. This is the telegram from Washington to Cabinet Office. But what is it about?


I know, you are tired of seeing letters. But I am giving another picture to make things easier. Who wrote the letter to whom?


Juggernaut said...

q2 The Soviet document of decision regarding the mass execution of Polish Officers with regard to Katyn Massacre

Praveen said...

I'll go for the first question...Project Unthinkable..Churchill's plan to wage a war against former WW2 ally Soviet Unition. Named Unthinkable for obvious reasons :)

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